Friday, August 3, 2007

Bonita the Performer

Bonita and I have been hard at work teaching and learning puppy "tricks". So far Bonita has mastered "sit", and "lay down". She performs these commands one right after the other. It is an amazing feat, especially for a dog who is a member of a "stubborn" breed. Apparently I am more stubborn then Bonita when it comes to teaching. Bonita's father has informed me that "sit" and "lay down" are easy commands, and that he won't be impressed until Bonita follows the command "stay".

All I have to say, is that "sit" and "lay down" has taken me 8 months... "stay" will probably take 8 years.

The below photograph is proof that Bonita is trained...She is enjoying her treat after following the command "lay down". This is for those of you who believe that the best way to train a beagle is to "cut it's tail off just below it's ears".

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