Sunday, July 22, 2007


Bonita's favorite day of the week is Sunday because it is Ciclovia in all of Bogota. During Ciclovia, various streets are closed to traffic, and only open to bikes, joggers, walkers, and pets. Temporary bike stands are opened along the street to service bikes. There are also food stands and special bicycle traffic police. I think it is possibly one of the most organized events I have witnessed since moving to Colombia.

Our participation normally includes a walk to one of our favorite breakfast spots and a trip to the dog park. At the dog park Bonita has a group of regular playmates that includes two beagles, a chow chow, a Jack Russell , and any other dog walking by. This is a picture of Bonita happily playing with a dog four times her size.

You can barely see Bonita in this picture, but I promise she is there. When we finally broke up the fun, Bonita was covered from head to tail in golden retriever slobber.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Colombian Independence Day

Yesterday our Blog was quiet in honor of Colombian Independence Day. I was looking forward to a day full of parades and fireworks. Oddly I was mistaken. Apparently, we live in the wrong part of town for such festivities. So, instead we celebrated by watching Transformers.
I must say that I was surprised by how entertaining Transformers was. I was also surprised by my knowledge of the 1980s transformers. I actually knew more then some of the guys we were with.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Identify the Insect

Here in Bogota our local mall decorates with a new theme each month. the decorations are VERY elaborate. At Christmas it snowed Styrofoam pellets, in January the mall was decorated by giant strawberries, June was a technology show to celebrate Father's Day. This month it is an exhibit on Colombian insects. Below is my favorite picture... A GIANT praying mantis.

At this point in the blog, I was planning on having you guess which was the gigantic plaster bug, and which was just Bonita dressed like a bug. Apparently Bonita had a different plan. The following is the results of Bonita's post redesign...

The following face and personality is what we refer to as shark dog. Little is left unbitten in the wake of "SHARK DOG".

The time lapse of these photographs is possibly 30 seconds at the most. And until Bonita removed part of her wing, I was optimistically hoping to get a good picture of insect Bonita.

When all the carnage was finished, Bonita returned to the joy of licking her stitches...Tuesday can not come soon enough!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update on Cone Head

For those of you who are concerned about Bonita's cone head future, I would like to assure you that Bonita is wearing her e-collar voluntarily. Every time she licks her stitches, she volunteers to wear her e-collar for an hour. It was not long before Bonita realized the connection between licking and e-collar wearing. So then she decided that she would hide under our bed and lick her stitches. This discovery lead to Bonita volunteering to wear her e-collar most of the time.

On Tuesday, Nestor, our driver, will be taking Bonita to get her stitches removed. Trust me when I say that the trip to the vet will be much more traumatic for Nestor then Bonita. After that, Bonita has an e-collar free future.

Here is Bonita being caught in the act. She is not very good at hiding.

Big News in Bogota

Today was a very exciting day for everyone here. I received a call around lunch time, that Colegio Gran Bretana has decided to name me the Head of the Department of Exceptional Needs. Although Bonita could care less about my promotion, the extra money will go a long way toward maintaining Bonita's posh lifestyle. It will also be a great boost for my resume.

For those of you who are not familiar with my new job, I am currently the Nursery-year 13 learning support teacher.

This is my new office.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bonita's Cone

Bonita had surgery last Saturday to prevent the spreading of baby Bonitas throughout the world. Bonita is happily recovering. She is spending most of her time sleeping, yelping for attention, and relaxing on the couch.

The following are pictures of Bonita around the house, doing beagly things.

First Post

Well... Today is the big finally happened...I have became a blogger. I have entered the relm of the Texasdevils . Bonita now has her very own blog. As you can tell from her nap, she is very excited!