Thursday, July 19, 2007

Identify the Insect

Here in Bogota our local mall decorates with a new theme each month. the decorations are VERY elaborate. At Christmas it snowed Styrofoam pellets, in January the mall was decorated by giant strawberries, June was a technology show to celebrate Father's Day. This month it is an exhibit on Colombian insects. Below is my favorite picture... A GIANT praying mantis.

At this point in the blog, I was planning on having you guess which was the gigantic plaster bug, and which was just Bonita dressed like a bug. Apparently Bonita had a different plan. The following is the results of Bonita's post redesign...

The following face and personality is what we refer to as shark dog. Little is left unbitten in the wake of "SHARK DOG".

The time lapse of these photographs is possibly 30 seconds at the most. And until Bonita removed part of her wing, I was optimistically hoping to get a good picture of insect Bonita.

When all the carnage was finished, Bonita returned to the joy of licking her stitches...Tuesday can not come soon enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi from sang run,
i am guessing that bonita was a beautiful butterfly.