Monday, September 24, 2007

Bonita's diet plan

Since moving to Colombia, Ken and I have repeatedly said that Colombia has caused us to lose weight. We have explained that food contains no preservatives, beef is free range, fruits are cheep, the dog makes us walk, we bike every weekend, walking is our major source of transportation. I could continue this list of explanations, but in the end...I've gained almost 30 pounds since we moved to Colombia. That is equivalent to almost two Bonitas. I'm chubby!!! To add insult to injury every Colombian woman weighs approximately 80 pounds (give or take 25 pounds). This means that I look like I might have ate a Colombian. I promise I haven't, but I have probably consumed several free range steers.
Well after having denied that I'm chunky, I am now finally excepting my fate as a porky American. Ken and I have joined a gym. I am happy to report that I am officially 9 pounds lighter. WOOHOO!!! Only one more pound and I have lost half a Bonita.
In celebration I am starting the "Bonita in Bogota great weight loss challenge". I'm sure you are asking...How can I join? All you have to do is comment to this post. Write down your starting weight (you don't have to post it), and start working your behind off. The person who loses the most weight by December 25th wins a free Bonita.... HAHA, In Ken's dreams! They get their choice of a massage (spa of their choice), fifty dollars, or manicure and pedicure (spa of their choice).

Bad Blogger

So how do you exactly know you have been a blogger sphere misfit?
1. You forget your blog password and ID
2. No one reads your blog anymore
3. Your dog threatens to start blogging herself (an ugly ugly idea)
4. Your sister-in-law has created almost 15 entries while you have created...0

You get the picture...I'll stop there...I admit I am a horrible horrible member of the blog community. but I am attempting to mend my ways.