Thursday, August 30, 2007

Birthday Bonita

Bonita would like to wish a very happy birthday to her Uncle Paul and Grandpa Don!

Monday, August 20, 2007

HAHAHA...Roller Derby

I have to point out that I was not having a roller derby with dogs. The last time Bonita and I tried to skate together, my life flashed before my eyes multiple times. We have since retired the idea of roller blading with Bonita.
Instead, we were participating in ciclovia. I'm adding these pictures for proof.

HaHa...Grandma Charlotte!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dog Park

Our final outing on our weekly ciclovia outing is the dog park. Bonita had a get time today. She is possibly one of the most popular dogs, simply because she shares her water dish with her friends.

Below is Simon, the retriever, Pepita, Bonita's best friend, Lorenzo, Bonita's boyfriend, and Bonita, drinking the last little bit of water.


In Bogota we have several familiar restaurants. These include Hard Rock Cafe, Fridays, KFC, Ponderosa, Dunkn' Donuts, Baskin Robins, and every one's favorite McDonalds. While we were at the park I decided to take a picture at McDonalds. I have to admit that we eat there on occasion. But only to remember what American food tastes like. The best part is that you serve yourself all the pickles and jalapenos that you want. (Both of which are not a favorite of local Colombians.)

Horses in the Park

Bonita is back in cyberspace after a short hiatus. (The downfall of working full time.) Anyways, we have quite a few posts to catch up on.
Currently in Park 93, they are having a horse show. Each horse statue is up for sale, and will eventually be spread all over Bogota. This is similar to the dinosaurs that they had in Pittsburgh several years ago. The horses will be replacing butterfly statues that are spread throughout the city currently.

Here are a few pictures of us with our favorite horses.

This one was decorated with mosaic tiles.

The white horse was sliced apart and then put back together.I thought it was really neat.

This horse reminded me a lot of the Trojan horse.

This is just one part of the horse display, they are arranged around the entire park.

Here is Bonita's favorite horse at the display.

Finally, no horse show could be complete without a beagle riding a horse. Bonita is not very happy because she wanted to ride the blue horse with wings.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend was very sad for Bonita....Her dog park was turned into a food festival. I'm not sure what part of dog park makes a food festival appetizing, but we were there both days. The festival consisted of booths from every restaurant in town. They were then arranged by food type. We had steak sandwiches from the Argentinian food section, which were absolutely wonderful. We also had dessert, pizza, ice cream, and various other foods.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bonita the Performer

Bonita and I have been hard at work teaching and learning puppy "tricks". So far Bonita has mastered "sit", and "lay down". She performs these commands one right after the other. It is an amazing feat, especially for a dog who is a member of a "stubborn" breed. Apparently I am more stubborn then Bonita when it comes to teaching. Bonita's father has informed me that "sit" and "lay down" are easy commands, and that he won't be impressed until Bonita follows the command "stay".

All I have to say, is that "sit" and "lay down" has taken me 8 months... "stay" will probably take 8 years.

The below photograph is proof that Bonita is trained...She is enjoying her treat after following the command "lay down". This is for those of you who believe that the best way to train a beagle is to "cut it's tail off just below it's ears".

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fashion Show

Here is the long awaited fashion show...

In this photo Bonita is sporting her Disney World Attire. Doesn't her face just say..."Please Grandma Joan can I go to Disney World too?"

In her next photo, Bonita is wearing a pink sweater with a fur collar... She would like to give a special shout out to Grandma Charlotte for this beautiful outfit.

The last photo is of Bonita and her best friend Andrea. Andrea was in the process of organizing, and Bonita was more interested in having her belly rubbed. Needless to say, Andrea didn't get much organizing done yesterday.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back to Blogging

Bonita's blog had to take a short break while I was busy visiting the US. Many people have asked what Bonita did while I was away...the following was what greeted me on our living room floor.

This is the first toy that Bonita has ever destroyed. I was shocked! I couldn't believe that she was capable of doing such a mean thing to poor alligator, especially under the watchful eye of her father. His explanation was, that Bonita had a lot more free time while I was away.

Other then munching on beloved toys, Bonita still enjoyed time at the dog park, and her daily play time with her puppy nanny.

Bonita appears to love all her new gifts from the US. All of her toys have been played with, and her clothes have been modeled. She left for the nanny's with her new metallic pink rhinestone collar. I'm sure all the other dogs are jealous. When Bonita returns from the Nanny I'll post a photo presentation of Bonita's fashion show. There will be a picture of something special for everyone.